Updates to twit-sort

I am currently on vacation!  In Florida!  We drove!

I took the opportunity (in the early mornings / late nights when everybody else is asleep) to work on some code that I wanted to update – I don’t normally get time to do this.   Its my twitter-reading app.   Which only I use.  But hey, that’s fine, I haven’t tried to market it.


Change #1:  I kept seeing “…” with truncated tweets.  A little research led to some interesting stuff — basically following retweets to get down to the original tweet to get the text from there.

Along the way I tried to build up a “who quoted who” breadcrumb:


The code is a bit wonky:


However, its confusing – many people (or clients) retweet without actually having a retweet link.  There’s “quoting” which is different ..  eh. whatever.  If I’m given it via the API, passing it through, figure it out later.

Change #2: I surfaced the like count and favorite count, as well as a link per tweet to open the tweet in its own window (as hosted by twitter). 



I have the code in github, which is public, and I don’t want my access keys and tokens and stuff checked in there.   So, I had to fudge around a bit – this was my solution:


  • I created a branch with all the passwords and stuff, and worked from there.
  • Once it was done, I either did a rebase (with cherry picking) or a direct cherry pick to move commits over to master, which I pushed up.

Granted I could use my azure visual studio hosted git, but I wanted the code to be visible / usable.  So.. if anybody has other ideas of how to do this better, please let me know.

What Next (with this project)

Not much else I can do with this in its current codebase.  I could certainly make it prettier, but .. eh, that’s not me.

If I had unlimited time, I’d rewrite it – make it so it did all its fetching and filtering and sorting locally (in javascript).  I could get a LOT fancier then – things like pulling out hashtags into groups, etc.  Maybe adding some sentiment analysis things.

However, I have so many other projects on the burner.. this one won’t make it for a while.  My need has been solved, so there’s very itch here to scratch.

The url of the site:   http://twit-sort.azurewebsites.net

The code: https://github.com/sunnywiz/twit-sort

Author: sunnywiz


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