Breaking the Recursive NotifyOfPropertyChange()

Another problem I ran into in the WPF world were controls whose side effects led to a endless loop of updates:


The outer one is called an “Order”, and the inner one is called a “Trade”

The problem goes like this:

  • Click on the outer one to select everything
    • Inner ones turn on
    • But clicking an inner one, if all of them are turned on
      • selects the Outer one.
        • recursive loop to infinity.

There’s probably some really crazy way to set this stuff up (there seems to be no end of the kind of hoops people will jump through for WPF), but here was my solution:

        private bool _onOrderCheckedFiring; 

        private void OrderChecked(CheckBoxListItemThreeState<OrderListItem> obj)
            if (_onTradeCheckedFiring) return; // we are a result of a trade check, so don't do anything.
                _onOrderCheckedFiring = true;
                foreach (var t in obj.Value.AllTrades)
                    t.IsChecked = true;
                _onOrderCheckedFiring = false;
        protected virtual void OnTradeChecked(CheckBoxListItem<HoldingBase> item)
            if (_onOrderCheckedFiring) return; // result of order check, so don't do any more logic. 
                _onTradeCheckedFiring = true;
                var theOrder = Orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Value.Order.OrderID == item.Value.OrderID);
                if (theOrder != null)
                    var areAllTradesChecked = theOrder.Value.AreAllTradesChecked;
                    var newState = theOrder.IsChecked;

                    if (areAllTradesChecked)
                        //all trades are checked; set the order checkbox to true
                        newState = true;
                    else if (theOrder.Value.AreAnyTradesChecked)
                        //not all trades are checked, but some are; set the order checkbox to indeterminate
                        newState = null;
                    else if (!theOrder.Value.AreAnyTradesChecked)
                        //no trades are checked; set the order checkbox to false
                        newState = false;

                    // ReSharper disable RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment
                    //NO, ReShaper, this is NOT a redundant check, because if the value is the same, I don't
                    //  want the notification events firing.
                    if (theOrder.IsChecked != newState)
                        // ReSharper restore RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment

                        theOrder.IsChecked = newState;

            } finally {
                _onTradeCheckedFiring = false;


This code is not complete, and it was reformatted to reduce the number of lines to paste.  Basically, I just flag that I’m doing something intricate in one routine, and in the other routine, I see if the intricateness is happening, and if so, I DO NOT fire the thing that would make it recursive.

I’m almost done with this WPF project, I’ll get to go back to the Web World probably next week.  Before I fully forget WPF, I would like to make a chart of all the stuff I’ve learned similar to what I did for MVC.


I seem to have gotten away from posting any coding things on this blog.   At first I thought its because I really haven’t done anything exciting; most of the work has been “figure out customer’s need, create something that solves that need”.   Then as I dug deeper, I rediscovered some fun things that I had created along the way:

The Problem

There’s a screen with a list of grids (this is a stock trading app) – when tabbing out of one grid, it needed to get to the next grid.  I also needed to jump left and right from master to detail easily.   (Sorry about all the blurring, but those were real numbers):


The screen, in and of itself, was a solution to “how to balance a portfolio to get it back in line with sector totals easily”.   The user could enter a proposed change in a holding, see how the math worked, and then click save positions to generate all the trade(s) necessary to make it happen.


I needed to write code that would take the grid that was currently focused, figure out what the next grid was, and focus there.    when solved, it looks like this:


Oy! What is this?  It’s a helper function that I wrote.   Basically, Starting with a known visual element, I look for “stuff that I’m interested in” (if the lambda returns true, then I’m interested in it):


This cuts down the (very) complicated visual control tree (see: down into something much more manageable (this is the output of the Dump() function defined below with some additional comments thrown in)


Here’s the source that does it:

        public static VisualTreeInterestingNode GetInterestingNodes(this FrameworkElement topDependencyObject, Func<FrameworkElement, bool> isInteresting)
            var timer = new Stopwatch();

            var topInterestingNode = new VisualTreeInterestingNode() { FrameworkElement = topDependencyObject, Parent = null };

            var nodesToVisit = new LinkedList<Tuple<DependencyObject, VisualTreeInterestingNode>>();
            nodesToVisit.AddLast(new Tuple<DependencyObject, VisualTreeInterestingNode>(topDependencyObject, topInterestingNode));

            while (nodesToVisit.Any())
                var a = nodesToVisit.First();

                var currentDependencyObject = a.Item1;
                var currentInterestingNode = a.Item2;

                int childCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(currentDependencyObject);
                for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                    var childDependencyObject = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(currentDependencyObject, i);
                    if (childDependencyObject == null) continue;

                    var childFrameworkElement = childDependencyObject as FrameworkElement;

                    if (childFrameworkElement != null)
                        if (isInteresting(childFrameworkElement))
                            var b = new VisualTreeInterestingNode() { FrameworkElement = childFrameworkElement, Parent = currentInterestingNode };
                            nodesToVisit.AddLast(new Tuple<DependencyObject, VisualTreeInterestingNode>(childDependencyObject, b));
                            nodesToVisit.AddLast(new Tuple<DependencyObject, VisualTreeInterestingNode>(childDependencyObject, currentInterestingNode));
                        nodesToVisit.AddLast(new Tuple<DependencyObject, VisualTreeInterestingNode>(childDependencyObject, currentInterestingNode));


            return topInterestingNode;

And the VisualTreeNode class that the result is in:

    public class VisualTreeInterestingNode
        private List<VisualTreeInterestingNode> _all;

        public VisualTreeInterestingNode()
            InterestingChildNodes = new List<VisualTreeInterestingNode>();
        public FrameworkElement FrameworkElement { get; set; }
        public List<VisualTreeInterestingNode> InterestingChildNodes { get; set; }
        public VisualTreeInterestingNode Parent { get; set; }

        public List<VisualTreeInterestingNode> Flatten
                if (_all != null) return _all;

                _all = new List<VisualTreeInterestingNode> { this };
                foreach (var child in InterestingChildNodes)

                return _all;

        public StringBuilder Dump(StringBuilder prefix = null, StringBuilder result = null)
            if (prefix == null) prefix = new StringBuilder();
            if (result == null) result = new StringBuilder();

            result.Append(" ").Append(FrameworkElement.Name);

            var l = prefix.Length;
            prefix.Append("  ");
            foreach (var node in InterestingChildNodes)
                node.Dump(prefix, result);
            prefix.Length = l;
            return result;

Excel C# Interop

imageI made a mistake.

I had a project in mind – to pull information from basecamp classic (todo items, with metdata embedded), massage it in Excel, and then upload it back to basecamp.   

I have always used Excel (or some equivalent spreadsheet) for project tracking – I never know which columns I need to add, when I need to highlight things in different colors, what kinds of charts I need to pull.  So the decision to bring the information down to Excel was an easy one.

That cost me 1.5 days of pain.

In retrospect, it would have been much easier to use EF Code First against .\SQLEXPRESS and use SSMS to do the bulk of my editing.   But, not having the time to re-tool, I pushed forward, and I did get it to work well enough to help me next week as I start work with that project…

Anyway, this is what I learned along the way:


The recipe for closing down the instance of Excel that had been open.   Without getting asked if I want to save.


You have to do this for pretty much ever object you dink with, else the COM Excel wrapper stays open in the background. Reference: I haven’t fixed this yet.


Cells start at index 1, not 0.   UsedRange is faster than Cells.

var connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + fullName + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES\"";

You can use ACE to query spreadsheet data, however, type-coercion is sketchy.  As in, if you have no data, that long field will come back as string.    I ended up ditching that and reading/writing my lists of stuff directly from the worksheet so I could have direct control over the types:

Worksheet sheet1 = b.Worksheets["Tasks"];
t2 = sheet1.ReadListFromSheet<MyTask>();
sheet1.UpdateListToSheet(t2, "TodoItemId");
        public static List<T> ReadListFromSheet<T>(this Worksheet sheet) where T:new()
            var nameToCol = GetNameToColumnDictionary(sheet);
            var colToSetter = GetColToSetterDictionary<T>(nameToCol);

            var result = new List<T>();
            var rowCount = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; 

            for (int row = 2; row<=rowCount; row++)
                var item = new T();
                foreach (var e in colToSetter)
                    var col = e.Key;
                    var setter = e.Value;
                    var o = sheet.Cells[row, col].Value;
                    if (o == null) continue;
                    Type source = o.GetType();
                    var target = setter.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;
                        object o2 = null;
                        if (target == typeof(bool?))
                            o2 = Convert.ChangeType(o, typeof(bool));  // bypass the null stuff
                        } else if (target == typeof(int?))
                            o2 = Convert.ChangeType(o, typeof (int)); 
                        } else if (target == typeof(DateTime?))
                            o2 = Convert.ChangeType(o, typeof (DateTime));
                            // this generic conversion seems to catch most everything
                            o2 = Convert.ChangeType(o, target);
                        setter.Invoke(item, new object[] {o2});

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine("Need to handle from type: {0}, value:{1} to setter type: {2}", source.FullName, o.ToString(), target.FullName);
            return result; 

        public static void UpdateListToSheet<T>(this Worksheet sheet, IEnumerable<T> lists, string pkColumnName)
            pkColumnName = pkColumnName.Trim().ToLower();

            // Grab the list of columns
            var nameToCol = GetNameToColumnDictionary(sheet);

            // get a mapping from list member to column number / vice versa
            var colToGetter = GetColToGetterDictionary<T>(nameToCol);

            // grab the mapping of pk to row number
            if (!nameToCol.ContainsKey(pkColumnName)) throw new Exception("Could not locate primary key " + pkColumnName + " on sheet " + sheet.Name);
            var pkColumnNumber = nameToCol[pkColumnName];
            var pkToRow = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            var emptyRows = new List<int>();
            for (var r = 2; r <= sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count; r++)
                var pkValue = sheet.Cells[r, nameToCol[pkColumnName]].Value;

                if (pkValue == null)

                var test = pkValue.ToString();
                if (test == String.Empty) continue;
                pkToRow[test] = r;

            // get a direct line to the getter of the pk
            if (!colToGetter.ContainsKey(pkColumnNumber)) throw new Exception("Could not locate primary column in DTO????");
            MethodInfo pkGetter = colToGetter[pkColumnNumber];

            // write the list contents into matching column names in the spreadsheet, updating as we go
            foreach (var item in lists)
                var pkVal = pkGetter.Invoke(item, null).ToString();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(pkVal)) continue; // inbound item has no PK

                // figure out which row to write to
                int rowToUpdate = -1;
                if (pkToRow.ContainsKey(pkVal))
                    // row already exists .. update it
                    rowToUpdate = pkToRow[pkVal];
                    // row does not exist .. append it
                    if (emptyRows.Count > 0)
                        rowToUpdate = emptyRows[0];
                        rowToUpdate = sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1;

                // write it out
                foreach (var e in colToGetter)
                    int col = e.Key;
                    MethodInfo getter = e.Value;
                    var o = getter.Invoke(item, null);
                    // any translations from .Net to Excel would happen here - none so far
                    sheet.Cells[rowToUpdate, col] = o;

        #region Private

        private static Dictionary<string, int> GetNameToColumnDictionary(Worksheet sheet)
            var nameToCol = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            for (var c = 1; c <= sheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count; c++)
                var columnName = sheet.Cells[1, c].Value;
                if (!(columnName is string)) continue;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(columnName)) continue;
                columnName = columnName.Trim().ToLower();
                nameToCol[columnName] = c;
            return nameToCol;

        private static Dictionary<int, MethodInfo> GetColToGetterDictionary<T>(Dictionary<string, int> nameToCol)
            var colToGetter = new Dictionary<int, MethodInfo>();
            var properties = typeof (T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (var p in properties)
                if (!p.CanWrite || !p.CanRead) continue;
                MethodInfo mget = p.GetGetMethod(false);
                if (mget == null) continue;
                var lowerPropName = p.Name.ToLower();
                if (!nameToCol.ContainsKey(lowerPropName)) continue; // not present in target xls
                colToGetter[nameToCol[lowerPropName]] = mget;
            return colToGetter;

        private static Dictionary<int, MethodInfo> GetColToSetterDictionary<T>(Dictionary<string, int> nameToCol)
            var colToGetter = new Dictionary<int, MethodInfo>();
            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            foreach (var p in properties)
                if (!p.CanWrite || !p.CanRead) continue;
                MethodInfo mset = p.GetSetMethod(false);
                if (mset == null) continue;
                var lowerPropName = p.Name.ToLower();
                if (!nameToCol.ContainsKey(lowerPropName)) continue; // not present in target xls
                colToGetter[nameToCol[lowerPropName]] = mset;
            return colToGetter;
  • Not yet memory-leak proof
  • Can only use a long as an id
  • Does not handle nullable columns gracefully

I’ll post more later on what I was trying to do.   I did finally get it to work.   Sketchy as it all is.  I love that word Sketchy… thank you Rutledge Wood!

Now I have to go pick up my race bib for a 10 mile race tomorrow.