Snot Funny

Insert standard: “Oh I don’t post enough” post here.  Seriously, i believe I have 2 readers other than myself.  (Hi Doug!  Hi Molly!)  (i just set myself up for disappointment, maybe its less than two)

I thought I would fall back to my dastardly plan of re-posting old stuff from the “geeky” tag from my livejournal, but what I found there was:  a whole bunch of started projects with nothing finished.  Not worthy of posting. A few cool pictures..

In other news, my wife thinks I might be somewhat ADD-ish.  Her diagnosis was on the basis of opened cabinets I left behind after working in the kitchen for even a small amount of time. I disagreed with her at the time. However, given the previous paragraph, that might be true.

Given all three previous paragraphs, I should refrain from starting yet another thread that I might or might not finish, so I won’t talk about what my plans for this blog are.

So all I can leave behind, then, is something like this:

a. Save Points

When I play a computer game that has Load and Save points.. the first 10-15 minutes back in reality.. I feel strangely out of touch.. imagining that life had load and save points and being utterly surprised that it does not.

b. Snot Funny

Sinus Infections have re-upped my anti-snottery artillery.

  • Throat Coat to remove itchy ickyness so i can swallow again. Add Honey as needed.
  • Because water doesn’t go down well, heat it up, add honey, then it goes down fine.
  • Neti-pot. for washing the gunk out of sinus cavities. Makes your cat look at me funny, as I kneel over the bath tub. There are other tricks to this trade, but they’re kinda gross.
  • Salt water gargle. Mouthwash gargle. I have not tried Vodka gargle.
  • Stuff gunked up? Cayenne pepper + lemon tea! Heavy on cayenne.
  • Vicks Vapor Rub! I’m never too sure if its a de-gunker or a runny-snot-dryer. I think i use it as both? And a throat-soother.
  • DayQuil and/or NyQuil. Take with food to avoid upset stomach.

Author: sunnywiz


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