I had been putting off taking my A1C for at least a few months.. knowing that I was slacking off on being regular with my medication, and I had been eating crap and drinking pop. Last time it was taken was at the doctor’s, I think it was a 6.0 or a 6.2, which is technically really good, I was sure it would be up around 6.5 or 7.0 by now.
So after all kinds of procrastination (I need to do dishes… no, the lawn first… how about some more minecraft… I can’t find my self-test kit…) I finally took it.
5.7 ??? WTFudge? That’s AWESOME!
I’ve been on a semi-gluten-free diet. As in, avoiding gluten Sunday-Thursday, and then treating myself on Friday and Saturday.
“Treating” is a relative word.. “enjoying delicious treats” followed by “twitchyness, and joints that hurt”.
“Avoiding” is also a relative word. More like “1 oreo cookie every two days”. Occasional donut relapses. Its so hard to turn away when they are placed in front of me. I could easily be a food addict.. I love my sugar, and eating in general. (I have been to OA. I will go if life becomes unmanageable. They are good folks.)
I think this (relative) lack of gluten in my system.. is what has been saving me. So I can have that pop without guilt, right? No, maybe I’ll have a Coke Zero or Diet Pepsi instead. There’s something in regular Pepsi that I absolutely crave, that I don’t get from regular Coke.
5:01 And I’m Outta Here
There’s an article going around, I just caught it off the S.H. feed:
- Original Article: http://501manifesto.org/
- Somebody’s response: http://thedevstop.wordpress.com/2012/04/19/reflections-on-the-501-developer-manifesto/
- Awesome graphic from above response (crosslinked:)
I feel guilty about this.
- Very often I am watching the clock, trying to get all my billable hours in to continue justifying the wonderful salary that I’m paid.
- When I was in my 20’s, I definitely coded for fun. A lot. At its worst, my life was: drive to work, drive from work to a college campus and code for 2-3 hours, drive home (125 miles total) and code some more. Eat at Wendy’s. I was involved in running an LPMud, and there was a lot of fun stuff to create, and I loved it.
- I receive a boon of 4 hours of “personal coding time” at work to have fun with. I look forward to using it every week. I have two projects to work on it with. But all it takes is one day where I don’t meet the billable hours, and I loose a little more play time. Like today: I had to leave early so I could be an announcer at my son’s soccer game.
- I think the truth is, I have about 6 hours of “natural focus” in me that I can apply towards coding. After that, my brain just plain shuts down, and it takes a lot of energy to try to kick start it into focusing more. And because I’m in an environment where there are no meetings, there’s nothing to distract me from coding.. I hit that wall very quickly.
But I can be proud of myself too:
- So far, this job has been my best trade: hours for pay, + in line with the joy of learning good things, + the joy of working with good people. I’m going to keep on doing it, as long as I am able. Wrist braces do help, as do adjustible-height desks and larger (25”+) monitors. #lawn
- It may take me 50 hours of “clock” time, but I am definitely going to give them their money’s worth. Because I’m definitely better for it as well.
- To that end, I’m willing to go at my natural pace during the week.. not push it too hard.. and if I have to work on Saturday, try to do it with as little of a hissy as possible. Note: not my employer’s request. My own voluntary contribution. (The hissy is directed at myself)
- If I do get to noon on Friday, and I have 4 hours of joyful coding time available to me.. queue the Oh Yeah! song by Yello. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq0skIEkfUw
- And I seriously get good stuff done at work. I am of service, I build things, I am detailed, and my work is solid. I get it done.
- When paired up with a more passionate faster developer, I switched gears: Make sure he is unimpeded, shield him from other’s ineptitude, and watch him shine. I wouldn’t want to make that my day job, but wow, that was an interesting experience.
Bye Bye iPad
I gave my iPad 1st Gen 3G to my mom. She needs it for internet access at her store .. so she can show her customers what options they have. (KCUniforms in Morgantown, WV). I only twitch a little bit, at night, now that its not here.
The plan is to buy another tablet towards the end of the year, hopefully with the Christmas Bonus. I haven’t made up my mind yet.. I know for sure it will have a Retina display, but I need to see what Windows 8 goodness comes out in October. The default would be an iPad3, but there’s some really strong contenders, and honestly I get more done on Windows.
Entertainment List
There is way more entertainment available to me than I have time for. This gives me the ability to say “that’s wonderful, but Nope” when new options arise.. like the impending release of Borderlands 2, which has my work buddies all in a tizzy, and the previously released Diablo 3. My list right now for entertainment is:
- Brainveg: catching up on Facebook, Twitter, and several blogs including Slashdot Science and Geek{Mom|Dad}
- TV: shared with wife: Dr Who, Top Gear America, Grimm. Thank you Tivo!
- Music: Listening to more current music (compared to: 80’s), really enjoying Maroon 5 at the moment
- Comics: Schlock Mercenary (I just got the new board game!)
- Games:
- Minecraft – just for me. Watching http://paulsoaresjr.com/tag/survive-and-thrive/ when I don’t have the 2 hrs of contiguous time it takes to play. Almost out!
- Books: http://www.warriorcats.com/warriorshell.html 2 more left to read in the original series
Okay. Family is home.. the game tonight was rough, my kid got tangled up and was the source of a PK; we lost 3-1. One of his best friends got nailed with 5 seconds left, has a concussion (ouch). Son and Wife are torturing the opinionated cat upstairs right now (lovingly), I better go and see what’s up.
I wonder if RNA feels guilty because it is not transcribing another protein?
I would not feel guilty at all about what you describe. For me, the key isn’t how much time you spend. Professionally, it is about whether you give your employer their fair share, and it sounds like you certainly do. Personally, it’s about spending your non-work hours in whatever way brings you the most joy. If that’s building cabinets, announcing at the soccer game, or coding – it’s your life. Which activities you choose might even vary from month to month. I recently spent most of my time racing through Breaking Bad with my wife instead of coding, and I’d do it again =)
I think the edges here are related to what other wise folks have shared with me: There are three things going on: thoughts, actions, and feelings. Feelings are just pointers, they are not reality; thoughts influence feelings; actions influence everything. What counts is what action is being taken. So .. me feeling guilty .. is just me feeling guilty. It passes. Related to the “I feel phony” post by a certain Mr Scott.
OTOH, when having feelings, sharing them helps get the negative ones felt faster.
Thanks for the feedback!
I had not heard that saying before, but I like it. Definitely agree with actions being what counts. Didn’t Batman say something like It’s not who I am underneath, but what I *do* that defines me =) Thanks for the insight!