Derek Sivers wrote a blog post – “Seeking Inspiration?” – which talks about the ratio of consuming to creating. My interpretation — Some people consume a lot, don’t create, and end up constipated. I think what he was actually saying is, the moment of their inspiration is lost, because they don’t turn it into action.
I’ve been looking at my life lately, and best I can figure: I’ve been creating too much – in areas of my life that, while they are important (mostly, videos and songs), they don’t apply to my work (security) – and as thus, I’ve had less “bank” available for creating at my day job.
So, while I have a list of projects that I would love to work on:
- Cam’s last baseball game of the season .. I have some awesome footage!!!
- The Color Run 5k – I had a front and back camera through the race. I suspect people were being goofy behind my back. I have not reviewed the footage yet.
- Song for family member #1 – definitely high energy – June 19th
- Song for family member #2 – them requested is “Motown” – June 21st
- Song for family member #3 – theme as yet undecided – early July (5th?)
- Find, and hook up, and create, some DVD’s that have been requested since January
- Old Family Photos from the 1950’s thru 80’s – interview and create adjoining commentary – create family video
I also have some other things that are important for me to do:
- Visit mom next weekend
- Start swimming. To build core muscles. I have a weekly date with my father in law and his pool that we need to start taking action on.
- Get back to being regular on nutrition
- Get back to being regular on working out & running (superset of #2)
And then there’s the thing that (I feel) has been lost:
- Be creative and awesome at work, rather than just reacting.
There’s some things that I really don’t need to spend any time on, other than as brain-rechargers:
- Play Firefall the Game – this usually takes up more time than I intend to allot to it.
So, I have to put my non-work creative efforts on hold, and do maintenance actions for a while. At least a week, maybe two. Then phase them back in, one at a time.