EDIT – does not work anymore see comments
Something I do often – I sort my Watch Later list in Youtube by how long the videos are. I think its “shortest video to get the quickest entertainment bang for my time” (which is semi sad).
I wanted to automate it. Found several dead ends: Youtube doesn’t let you use their App Scripts API to modify the Watch Later list, and the page doesn’t let you run a bookmarklet to load an external js file.
However, Chrome allows for snippets.. and some folks pointed out that I could use various other softwares (Greasemonkey? another name was given) for running arbitrary javascript on a page.
Ctrl-Shift-I, Sources, >>, Snippets
That’s my solution for now. It gets what I need done. I wish I could have done that more generically.
Thanks to Matt H. for pointing me down the path of Chrome snippets. That dude is bright.
Hey there! Does this still work for you? I was trying to run it, because I was getting a bunch of errors and I don’t know how to code at all. This post is from over a year ago, and youtube may be switched thing around.
It stopped working within a few months. I don’t have time to revisit it at the moment.. I now watch a lot less / more specific stuff, usually listening in while doing dishes, so I don’t mess with the order much.
I’ve forked a copy of your code and made it work, see here:
I can’t bypass the Youtube stupid refresh system, so it gets unbearably slow on more than say 500 videos and gets unusable by more than 1000. This is a Youtube problem, I don’t think anyone can solve it.
You. Are. Awesome.
Thank you for spending the time on this!
I will try to use it the next chance I get.
No problem! I’m really glad to be able to help.
its not working any more
its not working anymore!
I know 🙁
hey. any chance you still know how to do this or know someone who does? the snippet isn’t working anymore 🙁
Sorry, i haven’t revisited this in a while.. my usage patterns changed.
Yeah, it stopped working within a few months of when i wrote it, Youtube does move things around a lot.
Don’t have the time to revisit it.
Good luck!
I have made another version of that script here
It is very very far from perfect, it fails to sort the longest video
and it takes about 1 sec per video so… yeah
I’m hoping this is a little more future proof but yeah, as long as youtube stays volatile I can not promise anything