I found an app, The Photographer’s Ephemeris, and in playing with it I figured out that I could predict when the Sun would line up with certain landmarks. So I decided to try it with Downtown Louisville. I set a reminder to myself.
And promptly forgot to bring my Video Camera in that day. It was Friday 3/29/2013, and the sunset was gorgeous.
No problem, I’ll just catch it the next day.
Saturday 3/30 – Overcast and hazy. That’s #3 in the video.
Sunday 3/31 – Beautiful Sunset. I skipped part of Louisville NCAA Madness to set this up. User error – it didn’t record.
Monday 4/1 – Pretty good. That’s #1 in the video. Pulled back from my first attempt. Every 5 seconds
Tuesday 4/2 – hazy, skipped.
Wednesday 4/3 – Not quite as good. #2 in the video. Pulled even further back. Every 2 seconds, but I sped it up for the video.
The video is in 1080, so fullscreen is best.
By this point, the sun had slipped away from being lined up with downtown; and I had figured out that the stock zoom lens on my camcorder does not make for a great picture in low light conditions. So ends that project; I’ll resume from a Tripod on the Pedestrian Bridge later in the summer… sun reflecting off the buildings.