a. I have been very impressed by the “Crash Course” channel on YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse
b. When I first started using FL-Studio, most videos were either too slow, too vulgar, or not broad enough. So, once I learned to use the system, I felt the need to make my own crash course video on the subject.
c. After two takes and a lot of editing, I think its “good enough”.
d. If I could make my living at making instructional things fro people who wanted to learn them, wow, sign me up.
Here it is:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoGCbciUQ0c&w=560&h=315]
I did learn while doing this:
1. Its better to talk and demo at the same time, rather than reading off a script and then trying to match the demo to the script later.
2. Youtube “links” to things can only go to other Youtube or Google things. So, I couldn’t link to a wikipedia article, for example.
3. I’m an engineer, not an artist.